An offering to those trying to follow Jesus and Trump
No words better than Thurman's and yours. Fill the world with your words, your preaching, your love for Jesus who Lived and Loved. Fill the air with THIS so that THAT has less space. I'm praying for your courage and strength. Preach on.
You are too kind, Gwen. Always appreciate your thoughts and engagement! Your prayers mean so much.
Those are very good words. Thank you, Chris.
Thank you, Aimee! Appreciate you reading.
I agree with your conclusion that we should follow His steps.
We need "The Serenity Prayer" especially now
Andrew Light
No words better than Thurman's and yours. Fill the world with your words, your preaching, your love for Jesus who Lived and Loved. Fill the air with THIS so that THAT has less space. I'm praying for your courage and strength. Preach on.
You are too kind, Gwen. Always appreciate your thoughts and engagement! Your prayers mean so much.
Those are very good words. Thank you, Chris.
Thank you, Aimee! Appreciate you reading.
I agree with your conclusion that we should follow His steps.
We need "The Serenity Prayer" especially now
Andrew Light